I did a bit of searching to try and find the proper spot on the new forum to tuck in a piece about research surrounding the use of beneficial insects to combat not pest insects, but actually, invasive weeds. Apologies to the administrator if this should be posted elsewhere, but I haven’t had any luck finding a better place for it; perhaps a general category about beneficial insects might be helpful?
At any rate, I spotted this article in a growingproduce.com news roundup this morning.
It’s a summation by a Colorado Department of Agriculture specialist of how vineyards may be able to deploy beneficials against invasive weeds of all things. I must admit, it brings joy to my cold, cold plum curculio-battling heart to see so many weevils on the list of insects that can harm or kill plants. Perhaps there’s redemption for the lowly curculio on the horizon. Nah.