April 5, 2023 at 11:35 pm #178
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KeymasterDying bark
Posted by David Maxwell
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David Maxwell
Dying bark
May 29, 2022 04:01PM Registered: 10 years ago
Posts: 193
I have scattered trees with dying bark which seems to start peripherally and move centrally. I have no idea what this is, nor what to do about it, (other than to cut off the affected branch or limb – or trunk – to healthy wood). Help!I gather that the previous processes for posting images to the forum no longer work, but believe that it does work to post a link to some photo sharing site. (My problem is that I have no experience with such sites. So this may or may not work…) Here is my attempt at linking to something called Imgur. As best I can determine clicking on the following link will go straight to a small collection of images of my sick branches, but note that you need to scroll down to display all of them, and DO NOT use the arrow above the image, labelled “Next” – doing so takes you to the next post entered by anybody else on the site. When you have finished examining the images, just hit the Back arrow in your browser to return to HON. Herewith my (hopefull) link: Dying bark – ? fungal disease
Broomholm Orchard
Zone 5b in Nova Scotia
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Claude Jolicoeur
Re: Dying bark
May 30, 2022 06:54PM Registered: 10 years ago
Posts: 226
Could it be cold damage? I can’t see anything that looks like canker, which could be an other possible cause.
Here in Quebec, we’ve had very cold temperatures this last winter (coldest since the last 20 years), and some varieties have suffered. I do have branches that were healthy last year and dead this spring…Jolicoeur Orchard
Zone 4 in Quebec
Author, The New Cider Maker’s Handbook
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David Maxwell
Re: Dying bark
May 30, 2022 09:43PM Registered: 10 years ago
Posts: 193
No. 1) We had an unusually mild winter here. 2) The condition spreads, starting on the ends branches, and, if not removed, gradually spreads back into the tree. On of my Bramley’s Seedling trees, everything is healthy, except on main scaffold branch which I did not pay attention to last year. The bark is rotted off right down to the trunk, (where I have cut it off). It does not behave like a damaging influence, but a progressive damage over time. A tree on the river died over a period of 3 years, until I finally paid attention, removed the dead tree, and started scouting my orchard trees, where 2 trees, (out of ~180) were affected.Broomholm Orchard
Zone 5b in Nova Scotia
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